– Marilyn Chandler McEntyre – Eerdmans, 2009, pp 234. Language serves to bind us into human community as it carries and communicates our values and beliefs. When those values and beliefs...Read More
– Juliet Benner, IVP, 2011 The connection between prayer and image is longstanding, whether we consider the icons of Eastern Orthodoxy or the role of image in the church during pre-reformation t...Read More
Bramwell Ryan, Editor In the medieval world a Book of Hours was intended to assist the faithful in daily worship and prayers. It was typical for these early works – published long before the advent ...Read More
Forms of Transcendence: The Art of Roger Wagner, text by Chris Miller, foreword by Richard Harries, Piquant Editions, 2009. An Art Historian’s Sideways Glance, Photographs by E. John Walford, Piquan...Read More
Those of Christian faith persuasion commonly express dissatisfaction with contemporary art. Why is it so difficult to understand? What is it suppose to represent? What does it mean? These and other qu...Read More
By Andy Crouch, InterVarsity Press, 2008. Exploring the relationship between Christianity and culture has occupied the faith community from its very beginning. It can be traced within the biblical nar...Read More
George Macdonald is one of a select handful of Christian authors who chose to use their gift of story and imagination to broaden and deepen their understanding and experience of the Christian faith, a...Read More
D. S. Martin’s first full book of poetry entitled, Poiema is out. Publishers Wipf & Stock quote Luci Shaw as saying “Each of these poems makes you want to descend to its heart and discover th...Read More
“And there was one that wrestled with him until daybreak” -The Jerusalem Bible, Genesis 32:24 Wrestling with Angels (1995). There are few Christian poets and prose writers in BC and Canada that ha...Read More
Geez, the Winnipeg based ad-free magazine devotes its spring 2008 issue to the theme Art in an Age of Brutality. The articles are woven around a quote from Thomas Merton in Disputed Questions. The sty...Read More