“Poetry is the mother tongue of the human race.” – J.G. Hamann (1730–1788) How do we negotiate our way through the difficult terrain of an uncertain world? The unsettling realities of cont...Read More
The Cambridge poet Malcolm Guite paid a short visit to Toronto at the beginning of April which –as it turns out – is poetry month. He was in Toronto under the auspices of Image Journal. IMAGO was ...Read More
An IMAGO Evening In partnership with Wycliffe College Poetry for the Journey Malcolm Guite – Poet, Author, Inklings Scholar A conversation hosted by John Franklin Special music – Esther Ruth T...Read More
Join us on March 24, at 7pm for Lenten Reflections: an evening of poetry, music and visual art at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, in Hamilton. Featuring: Bethany Kenyon, John Terpstra, D.S. M...Read More
imago proudly presents: Life is not hurrying on to a receding future, nor hankering after an imagined past. It is the turning aside like Moses to the miracle of the lit bush… – wrote Welsh...Read More
The subject of poetry has been haunting me for some time. I want to read more poetry, better understand its importance, engage its insights, and discern why it is so much a part of the fabric o...Read More
Imago Evening Duane Forrest – Singer/songwriter — Gregory Hines and Friends – DOAHL dance school * Featuring: a touch of Hip Hop — Kevin Ramessar – Guitarist Ca...Read More
Janet Read has shown her work in public and commercial galleries including a recent large solo exhibit, with catalogue, titled ‘Ocean as Vessel’ at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in O...Read More
I walked to the end of Dundurn Street, to the quiet hind of a busy road, where the bus loops. I walked to the foot of the escarpment and looked up, way, way up, at all those stairs. And though they ar...Read More
I decided to challenge myself as a poet. For the month of September I chose to exchange the comfortable coffee shop laptop experience for something new. Every day in September I took the subway from m...Read More