For several months Imago has worked with its partners to shape a film and faith event in an effort to open a conversation on the film and the transcendent/religious/spiritual – probing that space between sacred and secular. The event will take place on Monday and Tuesday April 3 and 4 and we are delighted that TIFF has chosen to join with us – Institute for Christian Studies, Ryerson University and IMAGO as a sponsor of this event.
There will be a conference with a maximum enrollment of 50 at a cost of $65. (some scholarships are available – if you contact us). The conference includes an afternoon panel discussion on Monday – A talk and interview with the iconic Director and Screenwriter Paul Schrader on Monday evening at 7:00. And three workshops on Tuesday morning and afternoon: one on post-secular cinema, one on Scorsese and the Catholic imagination and one on documentaries and the spiritual. Details are at the ICS website – see below
Tickets are available if you wish to attend only the Schrader event on Monday April 3rd at 7:00 – general admission – see the TIFF website.
If you wish to register for the conference you can go directly to Opening Frames: Cinema and Transcendence
A Two-day Conference On Film And Spirituality
April 3-4, 2017
TIFF Bell Lightbox
350 King Street West, Toronto