Jeffrey W. Barbeau & Emily Hunter McGowin, editors. Cascade Books, 2022. 202 pp The editors are theology professors at Wheaton College and this collection of essays consists of papers from the fin...Read More
Rembrandt is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art Through the Eyes of Faith Russ Ramsey, Zondervan, 2022 (210 pp) The opening chapter of this fine book offers a brief reflection on goodness, truth and ...Read More
Your Requests – This new album consists of requests that Laila Biali has received from friends and fans in the past decade. This is volume 1 and it’s a wonderful collection of familiar tunes...Read More
All music is a means of searching out the sacred. ~ James MacMillan, composer There is a trend gaining momentum that voices the links between art and faith. On matters of religious faith, silence has ...Read More
“Poetry is the mother tongue of the human race.” – J.G. Hamann (1730–1788) How do we negotiate our way through the difficult terrain of an uncertain world? The unsettling realities of cont...Read More
Powerful, beautiful, and restorative, The Psalms Project are Psalm-inspired songs that Janzen composed and arranged while recovering from a serious concussion injury, later recording them during the p...Read More
Advent is easily missed, lost in the fog of our consumerist culture that draws us to focus on Christmas and hurry our way to celebration. Feasting, celebration and gifts are fitting human expressions ...Read More
Crossings is part of a series of exhibitions that have taken place in London England, Washington DC, New York City and Amsterdam. The Toronto exhibition is scheduled for March 2 – April 14, 2022, th...Read More
Working at an intersection carries its risks and dangers. The intersection at which I am engaged is where art and faith meet. It will be no surprise if I tell you that these two deeply human realities...Read More
Our Hosts Drawing on the Japanese art of Kintsugi, our journey to Easter will provide us a unique opportunity to explore the gift and value of our scars and how our wounds enable us to be more ...Read More