While I have been working through my latest series, images of hand and planting, I have been struck by the overlaps between the process of painting and the process of prayer. In both, there is a dance...Read More
“This is a time when we need the poetic imagination to bring reminders of who we are and what is important for us. There is a strong thread of this kind of imagining in the biblical narrative....Read More
By Peter Richardson, Douglas Richardson, Firefly Books, 2007 Reviewed by Stephen Rowe. One can appreciate Peter and Douglas Richardson’s sumptuously illustrated (with 400 photographs by John De Vi...Read More
By Jim Paterson, Bastian Books, 2007 This is an unusual book unusual in the way it brings together word and image. Jim Paterson is both the artist and the author who invites us to join him on a journe...Read More
This painting belongs to a body of work entitled For the Birds.The paintings in this series are not exact copies but rather my attempt to record experiences and impressions from nature. They are also ...Read More
“Colour has also had a significant role in religious symbolism. One rendering suggests that red stands for blood and sacrifice” It was the early Greek philosophers that taught us the impor...Read More
Daniel J Treier, Mark Husbands and Roger Lundin, IVP, 2007. This is a fine collection of essays that dusts off many questions about beauty that have not been asked for some time. Beauty was not a welc...Read More
Ned Bustard, Square Halo Books, 2006. First published in 2000 is once again avail-able in a revised and expanded edition. There are seven new essays in this edition including an introduction, with 21 ...Read More
Why I paint birds? I have been increasingly interested in painting birds, because of their wide range of mythical and poetic symbolism. At the same time I find myself impressed with early Renaissance ...Read More
“The creative process resonates with this sense that there is more. Art, whether what we create or what we experience, can nurture the human spirit and open us to see things in a fresh way. How ...Read More