All music is a means of searching out the sacred. ~ James MacMillan, composer There is a trend gaining momentum that voices the links between art and faith. On matters of religious faith, silence has ...Read More
Advent is easily missed, lost in the fog of our consumerist culture that draws us to focus on Christmas and hurry our way to celebration. Feasting, celebration and gifts are fitting human expressions ...Read More
Liturgy commonly employs the practice of “call and response”. I believe that this liturgical practice provides a clue to how we are expected to engage in God’s good world. The very idea of “ca...Read More
Works that have been published on art and faith in recent decades generally attend more to the visual arts than to other art forms. Accounting for why this is so is may be more complex than...Read More
The idea of narrative has in recent years found its way into contemporary conversations whether in the classroom or around the dinner table. We are always on the lookout for what will help us to order...Read More