I did not initially approach this work with any symbolism in mind. There is no coded message or secret meaning of any kind – the painting is simply a response to an actual experience of staying on t...Read More
“Signs are afoot that theological exploration into film is giving attention to productions well beyond the Hollywood genre and beyond movies given to explicitly religious themes. If film as an a...Read More
Geez, the Winnipeg based ad-free magazine devotes its spring 2008 issue to the theme Art in an Age of Brutality. The articles are woven around a quote from Thomas Merton in Disputed Questions. The sty...Read More
Among the recent books on film and faith we note two here. Ron Austin, In a New Light: Spirituality and the Media Arts, Eerdmans, 2007, and Behind the Screen: Hollywood Insiders on Faith, Film and C...Read More
A very different kind of book. It contains eighteen articles by Hollywood insiders who identify themselves as Christian. There is evident diversity in how that faith perspective is understood and expr...Read More